


2-(2-Aminoethoxy)ethanol is a colorless to yellowish liquid, with an amine-like odor.
It is miscible with water in all proportions. It is a versatile intermediate with a variety of applications.

Aminoethoxyethanol (ADEG) is used mainly in:

  • gas treating to remove CO2 and H2S
  • stripper solutions for applications in electronics
  • coolants/lubricants for metal working applications
  • other applications of aminoethoxyethanol (ADEG) include, inter alia, crop protection products, surfactants and colorants


CAS No.: 929-06-6
Product Details


CAS No.: 929-06-6

0,5KG Glass bottle
55KG Plastic jerricans 
220KG Steel drums 
1000KG Composite IBC Bulk
Product CAS No. M [g/mol] Assay [%] b.p [C] m.p. [C]
2-(2-Aminoethoxy)ethanol 929-06-6 105.14 min. 98.0 222.6  -11