
3-Butyne-2-ol 55% sol. | CAS No.2028-63-9 |

BASF is the world’s largest producer of high quality acetylene-based specialties, a portfolio of acetylenic alcohols and acetylenic diols for a large field of applications.

3-Butin-2-ol 55% solution (MBI) is an acetylenic alcohol with different application fields, such as for life scienceand agricultural chemicals.

3-Butin-2-ol is a solution with 55% content in water, with melting temperature at -12°C and boiling temperatureat 95-96°C.

CAS No.: 2028-63-9
Product Details

3-Butyne-2-ol 55% sol.

CAS No.: 2028-63-9

0,5KG Fibreboard boxes 
180KG Composite packagings 
50KG Composite packagings
Hu Wenkui (links) und Li Shiling (rechts), beide Techniker, führen eine routinemäßige Sicherheitsinspektion des C2-Hydrierreaktors durch. Dieser Reaktor wandelt Acetylen mit Hilfe von Wasserstoff und Katalysatoren zu Ethylen um.