Isopropanolamine (MIPOA) is carries both primary amine and hydroxyl functional groups.
Coatings: MIPOA is used both in paint strippers, and as a pigment dispersing aid. Crop Protection: As a neutralizing agent, MIPOA is used with certain crop protection herbicide active ingredients. Foams and Elastomers: MIPOA is utilized as a crosslinker in the production of flexible urethane foams and elastomers. It contributes tensile strength and high temperature resistance to the final product. Metal working: MIPOA is used as an additive in metal working formulations and provides corrosion protection, lubricity, and foam suppression. Pharma: MIPOA is used as a building block in the synthesis of antihistamines, antimalarials, antibiotics, local anesthetics, antidepressants and muscle relaxants. Synthesis: In the reaction with long chain fatty acids, MIPOA forms soaps that are then used in a variety of applications.
Product Details
CAS No.: 78-96-6
Package Information
190KG Steel drums
950KG Composite IBC
0,5KG Glass bottle