N,N-Dimethylethanolamine S
N,N-Dimethylethanolamine S (DMEOA, DMAE) belongs to the class of N-alkylated aminoalcohols. DMEOA is a colorless to slightly yellow liquid with a amine-like odor.
DMEOA is used as an intermediate + buffering agent in the synthesis of coatings.
DMEOA is used as a building block for the synthesis of cationic flocculants and ion exchange resins.
DMEOA is used as an intermediate + buffering agent in the synthesis of coatings.
DMEOA is used as a building block for the synthesis of cationic flocculants and ion exchange resins.
Product Details
CAS No.: 108-01-0
Package Information
180KG Steel drums
0,9KG Glass bottle
0,4KG Fibreboard boxes
0,5KG Fibreboard boxes
850KG Composite IBC