Lupragen® N 101 - Dimethylethanolamine
Lupragen® N 101- Dimethylethanolamine (DMEOA or DMEA) is a liquid tertiary ethanol amine.
Lupragen® N 101 inherits both, a tertiary amine and hydroxyl group.
As a tertiary amine Lupragen® N 101 accelerates the gel reaction during the formation of polyurethanes (PU).
The free hydroxyl group binds chemically into the PU matrix. Lupragen® N 101 is therefore classified as a “reactive” catalyst with low residual odor.
As a gelling catalyst DMEOA is usually mixed with a blowing catalyst like Lupragen® N205 (BDMAEE).
As a tertiary amine Lupragen® N 101 accelerates the gel reaction during the formation of polyurethanes (PU).
The free hydroxyl group binds chemically into the PU matrix. Lupragen® N 101 is therefore classified as a “reactive” catalyst with low residual odor.
As a gelling catalyst DMEOA is usually mixed with a blowing catalyst like Lupragen® N205 (BDMAEE).
Product Details
CAS No.: 108-01-0
Package Information
180KG Steel drums
0,4KG Fibreboard boxes
850KG Composite IBC