
Imidazole | CAS No. 288-32-4 |

Imidazole is a crystalline powder with an amine-like odor. It is soluble in water. It is a versatile intermediate with a variety of applications.

It is widely used as a pharmaceutical and agricultural intermediate, as well as a curing agent in epoxy systems.

CAS No.: 228-32-4
Product Details


CAS No.: 288-32-4

0,25KG Glass bottle 
50KG Steel drums 
100KG Steel drums
Product CAS No. M [g/mol] Assay [%] b.p [C] m.p. [C]
Imidazole 288-32-4 68.08 min. 99.5 256 8
Hu Wenkui (links) und Li Shiling (rechts), beide Techniker, führen eine routinemäßige Sicherheitsinspektion des C2-Hydrierreaktors durch. Dieser Reaktor wandelt Acetylen mit Hilfe von Wasserstoff und Katalysatoren zu Ethylen um.