
N-(2-Aminoethyl)ethanolamine (AEEA) | CAS No. 111-41-1 |

N-(2-Aminoethyl)ethanolamine (AEEA) is member from the class of Ethyleneamines and is used in a broad array of applications.


N-(2-Aminoethyl)ethanolamin (AEEA) is mainly used as building block for fabric softeners/surfactants, which make the textiles less harsh, “softer” or more pleasing to the touch.


For production of latex paints N-(2-Aminoethyl)ethanolamine (AEEA) acts as intermediate to form an adhesion monomer, which increases adhesion under damp conditions (wet adhesion).
Additionally, via the pendent amino and hydroxy functionalities, AEEA is used in urethane systems

Fuels and Lubricants

AEEA is used in the production of chlorinated polybutene based fuel additives as a dispersant-detergent additive.


N-(2-Aminoethyl)ethanolamine (AEEA) is formulated as an intermediate to form polycarboxylic acids and their salts, and chelating agents.
In several additional applications N-(2-Aminoethyl)ethanolamine (AEEA) is used as building block for synthesis.

CAS No.: 111-41-1
Product Details


CAS No.: 111-41-1

0,5KG Fibreboard boxes 
1KG Glass bottle
1KG Plastic bottle
210KG Steel drums
1000KG Composite IBC
Production Manager Mark Hughes (right) and Shift Supervisor Kenny Calvaruso Jr. (left) stand at the bottom of the methylamines towers during a safety walkthrough. As the newest unit at BASF Verbund site in Geismar, Louisiana, methylamines started production in 2012. Methylamine is used in the production of agrochemicals, personal care products, detergents, pharmaceuticals, textiles, solvents and animal feed additives.