
THF Pharma | CAS No. 109-99-9 |

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) is an organic solvent and belongs to the class of (cyclic) ethers. It is a colourless, water-miscible liquid with an ether-like odour. THF is used as a solvent of intermediate polarity for organic substances and as a reaction medium or starting material for various syntheses.

BASF is a leading global supplier of THF. The company manufactures this intermediate in Europe, NAFTA and Asia with a total annual production capacity of 290,000 metric tons.  

THF for any application

Under the name “THF Pharma”, BASF already offers its customers a THF grade with a maximum water content of 100 ppm. Customers appreciate in particular the consistently high product quality, which is globally unrivalled, as well as the company’s reliable supplies.


  • Supply security for high-value customer applications
  • Consistently high quality (100 ppm max. water content)
  • Growth support for our customers
CAS No.: 109-99-9
Product Details

THF Pharma

CAS No.: 109-99-9

0,4KG Fibreboard boxes 
180KG Steel drums 
Product CAS No. M [g/mol] Assay [%] b.p [C] m.p. [C]
THF Pharma non-stab. 109-99-9 72.11 min. 99.95 65,5 - 66,5