
2,4,7,9-Tetramethyl-5-decindiol (TMDD)

TMDD is an acetylenic diol for a broad range of applications.

Coatings, Inks and Adhesives

2,4,7,9-Tetramethyl-5-decindiol (TMDD) is an effective, specialty surfactant. It is important in water-based formulations, such as coatings, inks and adhesives.

TMDD is used in oil well cementing, as well as a formulation additive in various crop protection and metal working formulations. It is also used in textile treatment formulations.

CAS No.: 126-86-3
Product Details

TMDD 100%

CAS No.: 126-86-3


0,8KG Plastic bottle
180KG Steel drums




Hu Wenkui (links) und Li Shiling (rechts), beide Techniker, führen eine routinemäßige Sicherheitsinspektion des C2-Hydrierreaktors durch. Dieser Reaktor wandelt Acetylen mit Hilfe von Wasserstoff und Katalysatoren zu Ethylen um.