
Tridecylamine mixture of isomers

Tridecylamine is a long chain lipophilic monoalkylamine.


Tridecylamine is a versatile intermediate used in the production of a wide variety of chemicals, such as agricultural chemicals, oil additives, emulsifiers, flotation agents and pigments.

Package Information

Industries & Applications

Agriculture (1)

  • Pest Control

Agriculture (1)

  • Pest Control / Any Pest Control Applications

Agriculture (1)

  • Pest Control

Automotive & Transportation (3)

  • Automotive / Any Automotive Applications
  • Aviation, Aerospace / Any Aviation & Aerospace Applications
  • Transportation (Mass Transit) / Any Transportation (Mass Transit) Applications

Automotive & Transportation (1)

  • Automotive, Aviation, Aerospace, Mass Transit

Automotive and Transportation (1)

  • Automotive, Aviation, Aerospace, Mass Transit

Chemicals (1)

  • Intermediates

Chemicals (1)

  • Intermediates

Chemicals (1)

  • Intermediates